Happy Independence Day Nigeria – Blessed to be part of the Celebrations #NigeriaAt56.

Happy Independence Day Nigeria – Blessed to be part of the Celebrations #NigeriaAt56.

This year on National Day, Nigeria celebrates 56 years of independence celebrated on 1st October.

Most Nigerians celebrate Independence Day over four to five days as they engage in several cultural activities and community gatherings to make it memorable. This was no different in Hounslow and celebration continued all week finishing today at the Catholic Church Hall.

I was asked to host the event and say a few words about peace, love and community. I have always had an affection to North Africa and travelled to many parts of it, from Ghana to Somalia and even Egypt. It just so great that we have a vibrant culture and the day was full of warmth and love.

There were speeches from the Mayor of London Borough Hounslow, Cllr Ajmer Gerewal, Seema Malhotra MP and the Chair person. Many danced their way to the end of the evening with performances from the OPV Dance academy.

Nigeria is Africa’s most populist nation, home to 150 million people, a quarter of the entire continents citizens. Colonised for the first 60 years of the 20th century by British rule over 250 tribes, often playing one against the other, so when independence was gain in October in 1960 tribalism was a powerful force. The challenge was to create a unity in the country, a sense of belonging. What I saw today was a glimpse of that success. I do hope it can fulfill its potential and become Africa’s success story.


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